Thursday, February 3, 2011

Patagonia Climbing Adventures :: Día IV & V

Lucia on Aguja Frey
Lucia leading "La Fisura de Jim"
Juan, Fernan and Lucia take shelter from the wind as Nico rests below the crux of "Lost Fingers"
Lost Fingers - 5.11
Blake soloing on La Fisura de Jim
Nico Favresse  and Sean Villanueva free an aid roof on Aguja Frey
Hanging out in my cave on el Campinile enjoying the view while waiting to photograph Blake and Scott on Imaginate


  1. beautiful forest.. always a pleasure to see the updates..

  2. Super! Love the one of Blake with his cheek to the rock!

    Nancy B.

  3. Wow, beautiful! My favorite: the first B&W one... those eyes just draw you in.

  4. Is that a multi-pitch? Dang, I SO want to go there!

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone! And yes Arno, lots of good multi-pitch climbs on the towers in the area.

  6. Great collection Forest - I feel the vertigo just looking at the images - STUNNING.
